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The lesson for this activity is to provide a safe way for students to observe the movement of the sun by using light sensitive paper and a box with a hole to control the sunlight that enters the box. Part of the paper that is exposed through the hole on the box will react to the sunlight throughout the day and show the path that the sun travelled across the sky. This activity is best done with photosensitive paper, but a dark colored construction paper, such as black or dark blue, is a good substitute. If substituting with construction paper I suggest making the hole on the box approximately 1.5 to 2 cm so that enough sunlight can enter the box. Adult assistance may be needed when poking a hole through the box. The color construction paper will provide a result, but it may be very faint. Some background information on this activity is provided but the site provides other resources to explore the sun further such as an app that allows users to see images of the sun and experiments using the sun.