Seed germination is no longer a mystery with this activity. Your family will be able to observe in real time how a seed starts to grow from the safety and comfort of your home. The material list is very specific, but you can achieve the same results using a zip lock bag, paper towel, and some tape. Finding the appropriate seed can be tricky; all I had handy were some pinto beans. I labeled the outside of the zip lock bag with the reference line the resource mentions and then made more marks along the bag to measure growth. We assembled the bag as the resource directs you to set up the petri dish/cd case and taped it to the window. Background information is covered in the “What is Going On” portion of the lesson. I recommend having the student read that after assembling the activity. A chart would be helpful to be able to track the growth of the plant as well. The seeds germinated quickly and we were able to observe changes on Day 2. After more observations, we plan to transfer the seedlings to some outside. For older students I would suggest doing the “Going Further” activity of varying the amount of light.