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Pumpkin Planter

Pumpkin Planter

Instead of throwing away your pumpkin, melon rind, or egg carton, turn it into an awesome biodegradable planter.

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What I'll Learn

Pumpkins, melon rinds, and even egg cartons can easily become planters that will help other plants live and thrive.

What to Do

What I Need

What to Do: Step-by-Step Instructions


To create your biodegradable planter, start by selecting your bowl-shaped organic waste, such as a pumpkin, melon, or egg carton.  If using a pumpkin or melon, ask an adult for help as you cut all the way around the top.

Tips & Tricks:

It can be hard to cut through a pumpkin or melon, so make sure you are using a thick knife.

It’s important to always cut away from you and anyone else around you.

Remove the lid or top half.

Tips & Tricks:

Sometimes with a pumpkin, you have to wiggle the lid free from all the pulp.

For a pumpkin and melon: scoop out the pulp and seeds. If using a pumpkin, you can separate the pulp from the seeds and make roasted pumpkin seeds, or pepitas.

Tips & Tricks:

1. Use a colander to help rinse the pulp and seeds in water. Discard pulp.
2. Boil pumpkin seeds in salted water for 10 minutes. Drain.
3. Drizzle seeds with olive oil and spread into thin layer on baking sheet.
4. Bake at 400°F until seeds begin to brown, about 5 to 20 minutes.
5. Enjoy this healthy snack!

Add potting soil into the pumpkin, melon, or egg carton.

Remove a plant from its temporary pot and gently untangle the outermost roots.  Or prepare your seeds for planting.

Place the plant or seeds in the organic planter and water.

Tips & Tricks:

You can leave your pumpkin planter out on display until it starts to decay.  Then plant it directly in your yard. The item used for your planter will naturally decay, giving the plant extra nutrients to thrive!