Thank you for signing up your child to our Camp Discovery. We are excited to present you with Code Constructors virtual summer camp . We will be updating this page continually as the start date arrives and this will be your one stop shop for camp information available to your child at the convenience of your fingertips!
We have decided to use Zoom as our virtual platform this summer. Most kids, parents and families are already familiar with this platform and we wanted to make our transition to virtual camp as easy as possible.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82512609611
Once campers have joined for the day and roll is taken, the counselors will lock the session so no additional people can join. We will also have a staff member on hand to monitor the chat and control various settings for additional safety measures.
When registering for camp, there were two options for supply procurement. If you selected to have your supplies shipped, they should arrive approximately 6 business days after the order was placed. If your supplies have not been delivered to you 24 hours prior to the start of your camp, please email me directly.
If you chose to pick up your supplies, there are two locations. Both locations will have supplies ready on Thursdays from 9:00am to 12:00pm the week prior to your camp.
- In Orange County the camp supply pickup location will be OFFSITE at the Discovery Resource Center (see address below). Please note that the pick-up location is not at Discovery Cube Science Center.
OC Camp supply pickup:
Discovery Resource Center
1951 E Wright Circle
Anaheim, CA
- In Los Angeles, the camp supply pickup location will be updated weekly .
The schedule for each camp day stays relatively the same throughout the week. Below is an outline of each camp day:
9-915 Intro and overview 9:15-11:15 Activity 1 11:15-12 Lunch 12-130 Activity 2 1:30-2:45 Activity 3 2:45-3 Review and DiscussionKeep in mind that the schedule is subject to change based on what is going to be discussed that day.
The campers will be provided will all the materials they need for each activity. They should have the bag for the day’s activities ready near the computer they will be using. Once they log into the Zoom meeting, the camp counselor will give instructions on how to use the materials. Campers will only need to log into the Zoom meeting once each day and the Zoom meeting will only end at the conclusion of the camp day. Campers will not need to click on any other links or transition to different screens.
Depending on your camper’s age and abilities, they may need assistance with activities. The goal is for your camper to complete activities on their own and at their own pace. However, throughout the week your camper may need help collecting supplies, accessing Zoom for the first time, or troubleshooting technology.
Campers should set up their work space each day on a table or desk near their computer. In your supply kit, each day of camp has its own bag of supplies. Inside each of the daily bags, you will find individual activities that have their own labeled bag of supplies. We have provided everything that your camper will need to create each activity in these kits!
Your camper should have the following supplies available in their work space before logging into the Zoom meeting:
- Bag of supplies for that specific camp day.
- Bag of general supplies.
- Journal and/or worksheets that relate to the activities.
Make sure you have updated to the latest version of Zoom before camp starts.
If you have any question please send us an email using the form below and we will respond as soon as possible.